The Erasmus Schule

The 4e class had a combination holiday performance/party.  First the class reported on "Project Week" where students did work for the entire week, focusing on one of two countries.  Half the class did Ireland, the other half did Senegal.  The students studying Senegal created a Senegalese village; the group doing Ireland learned and performed several Irish Dances.  And there were some holiday songs performed (in German, of course) as well as a tune done on the "boom wackers."  Also included was a dance by some of Wanling's friends who are studying "Bollywood Moves."

And now for the Irish Dance.  The woman in some of the pictures is Wanling's German teacher, Frau Mühlenhoff.  And you see Wanling dancing with her dad - at one part in the program each child taught the moves to one of their parents! 

I don't know what it is about this school, but Wanling lost three teeth in two days in school?!?!

Part of every morning is the hop on the #17 Strassenbahn (street car).  We run out the door, down the 6 flights of stairs (sometimes we cheat and take the elevator), and grab the 7:57.  Riding the street car is just part of the morning routine, and gets Wanling to school much faster than her morning bus in Granville!  You see that the street car runs no matter what the weather is like....although sometimes it is a few minutes late.

At the Erasmus Schule, the students go outside twice a day, at least (after the breakfast, and then after lunch), pretty much in all kinds of weather.  It is not a huge playground (remember, this is in the middle of a big city), but there is room for Fussball (soccer) and there is a sand pit to dig in, and monkey bars (see Wanling demonstrating).

A few photos of the school day....

Wanling has made many friends in the "4e" (4th grade English/German) class.  Some special friends are -
Ella (hanging out on the school playground):

Clara (after a night of baking Christmas cookies at Clara's house):
And Marissa (taking a break in the school lobby) and playing on the Spielplatz near our apartment building:

Wanling and I arrived in Germany on a Friday, and Monday morning Wanling was on her way to her new school.  The school is called the Erasmus Schule and is an international, private school for K-4th grade.  Instruction is taught in three languages - one can choose German/English or Spanish/German.  The children receive instruction (once or twice a week) in the third language.  Two days a week Wanling is there 8:30-2:00, the other three she stays until 4:00.  At this school, there seems to be lots of eating (she gets a breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack) and physical activity - she has several recesses each day.  She loves both of these features.

You can see Wanling on the first day of school, waiting for the street car with her Sponge Bob art portfolio and then getting on to the #17.  The street car stop is 3 minutes from our apartment, the ride is 7-8 minutes, and the school is right there at the stop.  We have started a new morning routine with Wanling stopping at the bakery for a fresh roll - how convenient the bakery is right by the stop!  The Erasmus Schule is the grey building behind the flowers.