Dienstag, 16. November 2010

Halloween happens here too!

When we were planning for our trip, we prepared Wanling for the fact that she would probably miss out on Halloween.  We didn't think it was celebrated here.  As Gary was making arrangements at the school before our arrival he found out it is indeed celebrated here, so Wanling packed her costume.  We saw Halloween costumes in the stores, and we heard about kids going trick-or-treating in the areas where American military are housed.  Wanling  had a Halloween party at her school, and as this was an early dismissal day, I picked her up and we met Gary down on the Zeil and we went for a walk.  Being that there is every kind of weirdo you can imagine down on the Zeil (also a place every tourist ends up), no one gave Wanling a second look.

Here you see den Sensenmann (the Grim Reaper) at the subway stop by Wanling's school, shaking hands with one of the live statues one sees on the Zeil (many people dress up as statues, most stay frozen -  but this guy interacted with people - and "beg" for money), with dad at a market, and on the Römerplatz.

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