Dienstag, 30. November 2010

Thanksgiving #2

Saturday we took the train to Kassel, a city about 2 hours from here to visit the Maier-Torrico family - Uli, Dara, Laura, and Eva; we were invited for another Thanksgiving celebration.   Uli was an exchange student at Juniata College and Gary's college roommate and Dara is also a Juniata alumna.  They live in Fuldabrück, a small village outside of Kassel with their daughters Laura (19) and Eva (almost 16).  Here we had an amazing meal cooked by Dara - a turkey (imported from France) and the works, down to pumpkin pie (which Dara cooked from pumpkin, in Pilgrim style).  Our contribution was peeling potatoes, a skill we have down to an art from the many Baker New Year's Day dinners where we peel 20-25 pounds of potatoes to serve to Kay's extended family.  We had a great day with the Maier-Torrico family and other friends, took a Thanksgiving stroll down to the Fulda River, and ended the day with a trip to the Kassel Christmas Market before hopping on the train to come back to Frankfurt. 

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