Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2010

A Winter Walk

Saturday (12/4) Wanling, Gary, and I did our "let's explore Frankfurt the cheap way" and hopped on the Street Car #11 and rode it to the end of the line (when we travel like this it is free because we have a monthly pass).  We saw on the map that there was a little town there, Schwanheim, and decided to explore it.  It is fun when you go to the end of the street car line, because you no longer feel like you are in a big city but rather a little town that grew into the city.  We walked around the beautiful little town and then followed a path along the Main River, and ended up across the river from Höchst, another end-of-the-line-amazing-town.  So you see us wandering down the snowy path (in Germany there is almost always a path, anywhere you might want to walk).  You can see the  man riding his bike - an illustration that Germans ride their bikes everywhere, in every season.  You can see Höchst (notice the huge piece of city wall that is still preserved) and the ferry that takes people back and forth between these two little towns.  You can see the huge red barge, moving goods down the river.  A lovely day, a long walk (5 miles round trip...pretty long for Wanling's legs!)

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