Freitag, 19. November 2010

More markets......

Wow - these markets are in every corner of the city.  (And we are coming upon the season of Weihnachtsmärkte - the Christmas markets that take place in almost every town.  These are held outside in the main square of the town and there is food, music, beer and hot mulled wine, and handicrafts.....more on this later.  They start this week, the week before the first Sunday of Advent).  So you see some beautiful pictures from the weekly markets - of flowers and produce; a big bowl of Erbsensuppe (pea soup) that Gary and I were eating - note the two heavy metal spoons that are standing straight up in the soup; some ladies and their buns, I mean Brötchen (they were getting ready to sell a whole bunch of sausages); a piece of Bienestich (Bee Sting Cake) and me stuffing my mouth with that; and a stand selling the herbs for that famous Frankfurter Grüne Sosse.  We are not going hungry here.....

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