Montag, 15. November 2010

Ohmstrasse 59 - our home

Wow - living in a big city sure is different in so many ways for us.  For one thing, we don't have a car.  We buy a month pass for the city transportation, and that allows us to travel with the subway, the street cars, buses, and the city trains.  This covers an amazing amount of territory and is a very convenient and efficient way to travel.  (Some days I get a little wild and ride a new "number" into a new section of town, and just explore.....never without my city map though).  Another big difference for us is apartment living.  Thankfully, with the way Germans build their structures, we don't hear much and figure we are not heard by our neighbors.  That includes Wanling practicing her violin and us dropping things or bumping around in our space. 

The apartment is pretty nice.  We are on the 6th floor of the building.  This is a very new area of Frankfurt (if you Google Ohmstrasse 59 and look on satellite it looks like a lot of mud).  Our apartment is 80 sq. meters, a little smaller than the upper floor of our house.  That is plenty of space for the three of us to live in!  We have two bedrooms, two bathrooms (!?!?), a living/dining area, and a kitchen.  Gary calls this the "one-butt kitchen" or the submarine kitchen.  Actually, all our butts can fit in it at one time, but if anyone wants to open the dishwasher, oven, or frig, everyone else has to move out to the hall or balcony.  So, the pictures you see are:

  1. Wanling on the balcony (this overlooks the street where our street car, #17, drives by.
  2. Me, scrounging up some dinner in the teeny tiny kitchen.
  3. Gary and Wanling studying German on our very red and "only-piece-of-comfortable-furniture-to-sit-on-in-the-whole-house" couch.  We think our dining room chairs may have been used as some type of torture device, as they quickly cut off the circulation in your legs as you eat dinner.

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