Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2011

Another "wild" New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve is another German holiday where everything shuts down.  All stores and most restaurants closed at 2:00.  We spent our last day with our guests, walking around Frankfurt center, visiting a little street market (where we bought goodies for our New Year's evening meal), eating bratwurst on the street (in the very cold weather).  We came back to the apartment where everyone got packed up for the trips home the next day, and then we ate, drank, made music (Kyle, Quinn, and Wanling provided the entertainment) and chatted.  Everyone was pretty tired out from the wild week of travel and sightseeing.  At midnight the skies exploded.  In Germany, many people shoot off fireworks, so we stood on our balcony and watched the fireworks show in all directions.
We started the day with a "good luck pretzel" (first Wanling played with it, then we ate it).

 Here's where we got really wild....with our socks/slippers.

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