Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2011

Struwwelpeter and Cake

We chose to visit the Struwwelpeter Museum.  Struwwelpeter is a character in a children's book, a boy who wouldn't allow his hair or nails to be cut (see below).  The book was written in the mid-1800's  by Dr. Heinrich Hoffmann.  He wrote the book for his 3-year old son, because he found the children's books of the era very boring, and also because he felt there were many important lessons to communicate to children on hygiene, manners, safety, etc.  

 Wanling and Tyler engrossed in a music video/dance of the book.
 Ironically, Gary's favorite place to grab a coffee at the university is called.....

"Nothing like these hot dogs baked right in a croissant!"
 Hanging out at the market.
 Gary, overwhelmed by his choices at Kaffee und Kuchen time, back in the apartment.

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