Donnerstag, 6. Januar 2011

Vacation in the south

On Jan. 2, Wanling, Gary, and I took a trip down to Austria for a couple of days.  We decided to go to Bregenz, which is on Lake Constance (Bodensee auf Deutsch), a very big lake that touches on Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, and lies at the foot of the Alps.  We enjoyed our long train ride and the beautiful scenery that we drove through on the 5 hour train ride.  We stopped in Lindau and strolled around the harbor, marveled at the buildings and had some Kaffee und Kuchen to fortify ourselves.

Terraced vineyards in the area around Stuttgart.
Geislingen, where 5 valleys in the Schwäbischen Alpen come together.
The beautiful village of Lindau, on an island on Lake Constance.

The best time of day - Kaffee und Kuchen.  (Notice the backside of the HUGE dog near the table behind Wanling and Gary.  People bring their dogs in all kinds of places),

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