Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2010

Christmas in Frankfurt

The Frankfurter Bakers have a full house - Kyle and Quinn, Steve and Carrie, and the three of us.  Kyle and Quinn returned from Paris with only a few train mishaps, at about 12:30 Christmas morning.  Steve and Carrie were working to turn around the jet lag as quickly as possible.  We started Christmas Day with a delicious German breakfast - good bread, cheeses, meats, fruit, good jams and lots of butter!!  Wanling exhibited AMAZING delayed gratification - she had to wait until everyone woke up and we all ate breakfast.  Then it was time to open presents.

Quinn did some awesome knitting - a hat for each of us.

Instead of cooking dinner in the teeny tiny kitchen with the barely-minimum number of pots and pans and ingredients we have in our kitchen, we opted for a restaurant.  We rode the street car to the little town of Oberrad and had a delicious dinner with beautiful atmosphere.  The restaurant was called "Zum Hirsch" and featured game.  Many opted for schnitzel, but goose liver, venison goulash and duck were also sampled.  We then took a long walk home, and considered the day a very lovely way to celebrate Christmas together.

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