Montag, 20. Dezember 2010

Gary's Work

Being that we would not even be here if Gary didn't have a sabbatical, and have gotten a grant to take the whole year "off," it is about time to show what he has been up to.  Gary has visited two archives, and is now at the Deutsch Nationalbibliothek (German National Library, comparable to the Library of Congress).  He has been reading like a fiend and gathering ideas to contemplate once he is at home again, and has a little space (remember - there is no "work space" in our apartment - we are all on top of each other pretty much all the time, except when we are sleeping).

He started out at the Mitscherlich Library, which is part of the Sigmund-Freud Institute.

Then he moved to the Uni Bibliothek (seen below, along with the Bockenheimer Tor, which is right next to the library).

Here is the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, inside and out.  This is where Gary is working at present.

And back in the apartment....putting all the ideas together.

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