Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2010

Taking a warm break

With all the nasty cold weather we have been having, Wanling and I decided to go to the Palmengarten one day, after I picked her up from school. This is a botanical garden, not too far from our house, that was founded in 1868.  The two of us strolled through the Christmas exhibit, and spent a lot of time in the original house of exotic plants, where some of the original trees were on display.  Wanling bonded with the goldfish, and you can see her dwarfed by a humongous palm.  There is also a section to the gardens that has environments from around the world.  Wanling and I will have to go back to take a look more in depth at the lovely specimens.  We were tired and cold and decided to go sit in a cafe' and have coffee and hot chocolate before heading for home.

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