Montag, 13. Dezember 2010

Snowy days

The weather here has been like Ohio - some of everything and rapidly changing.  One can experience cold temps, mild temps, snow, rain, sun, and clouds all in one day.  We currently have mild temperatures and all the snow has melted....but only a few days ago we had our third significant snow of the winter.  Who knows what we will have later this week....or later today?  The snow was absolutely beautiful, and of course the street car still came and took Wanling to school.  No delays here.  The first pictures are outside our apartment building.

This is the "Hammering Man" outside the Frankfurter Messe (Fair - really a Convention Center).

This is the stop where Wanling gets off to go to school.  The pyramid is a subway entrance; her school is in the background.

These last two are back in the neighborhood (after I take Wanling to school I come back and eat breakfast and watch my cooking show :-).  The building on the right, below, is Ohmstrasse 59, where we live on the 6th floor.

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