Montag, 13. Dezember 2010

What's Wanling been up to?

Wanling has been very busy with school.  She loves it, and it occupies a lot of her time and energy.  But we also have time to explore the city together, after school and on weekends.  Here she is taking a rest on one of the many long walks she takes with her parents.
Wanling at school with her friend Ella.
Wanling baking Christmas cookies at her friend Clara's house.
Wanling having a violin lesson via Skype with her teacher in Granville, Mr. Jim.
Wanling enjoying her new winter coat.
Wanling visiting the siblings of her winter coat in the department store, H & M.
Wanling and dad getting ready to hop a train for a day trip out of Frankfurt.
Wanling and mom enjoying tea/coffee/cake after a day of walking around Weimar in the sleeting rain (and that plate of cake is to share....I did not eat the whole thing).

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